The Nytt Way

The Nytt way to a more efficient production is straightforward.

First, you should agree with some basic facts listed below.

  • Your decisions should be data and fact-driven.
  • Our shop-floor driven system gives the decision-making power to the operators.
  • You have a step by step approach, and you don’t try to solve everything at once.
  • Once we agree on these basic facts, we jointly go through the expectations.

  • That means we set goals and make timetables for when to achieve these goals. We will create a budget and timeline to check on expectations, and if not met, we will make required corrections.

    Our experience is that we start with a limited number of machines/equipment that we monitor. We agree on how the data should be collected and make the suitable installation.

    Then we start collecting data from the units, and after about 3-4 weeks, we have enough data to see clear trends/patterns of how efficiently they are used and come up with the first set of recommendations on how to improve.

    Nytt way

    In parallel, we also do basic training for the operators involved and give them our OpApp. The operator App provides additional information that we cannot get directly from the machines. The OpApp also sends information to the operator to inform them of the live situation to help act accordingly (shop floor driven).

    When the first data gathering is done, with the help of our Dashboard, show the data obtained and show what conclusions can be derived. We usually find 3-20% improvement potential with minor changes in this first stage.

    After this first period of low risk for our customers, we sit down and set a strategy on how to proceed. That includes more data gathered from the machines connected and maybe increasing the data gathering points within them to get an even better picture. But importantly, we decide how to address other machines/equipment in the factory. We always have a step by step approach in mind, to not overload in the first step.

    Experience shows that in the beginning to get started, our help is required, so we provide expert advice through experienced production engineers. The goal is always that the customer should gain enough experience to use the Nytt system to make the necessary improvements by themselves.

    About Us

    Nytt is driven by production people. We have backgrounds in manufacturing, supply of production equipment such as machine tools, tooling, and theoretical knowledge within academia.

    Our drive is to increase productivity and effectiveness in manufacturing.

    Our firm conviction is that the way forward is to collect as much data from as many sources as possible, analyze it in a simple and streamlined way, and top it with ML functions to see what is happening now and look into the future.

    We have created a data-driven platform for manufacturing companies to have flexibility in decision-making. Using our platform that collects real-time data from the machines, the operators, and other critical sources on the shop floor, we provide relevant information to make data-backed decisions. We also use the historical data to find repeating patterns and provide information regarding any anomalies regarding how a piece of equipment is working, helping manufacturers anticipate and adapt to failures and downtime before they occur.

    Using different data-collection strategies through readily available equipment like smartphones, sensors and standard machine protocols, we can get a clear idea about how a factory is running. This information helps companies plan, check, and adapt to the rapid changes and make informed decisions to become more profitable.

    Customized solutions

    We understand that different companies need different solutions, which is why we also offer customized solutions through our IT consultancy service Nytt IQ. We help businesses with system development and integration and we develop solutions involving data analytics. Visit Nytt IQ to learn more about our services and book a consultation.



    Sture Wikman

    Sture Wikman


    ME in Production Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and MBA from Insead France. Previously CEO at Wikman & Malmkjell AB and now CEO at Precima Production AB.

    Praveen Natarajan

    Praveen Natarajan


    M.Sc. in Production Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Working with Scrum and design thinking.

    Bharat Sharma

    Jeannie Lendeng


    M.Sc. in Marketing Communication from Stockholm University. Working with marketing and technical project management

    Praveen Palaniswamy

    Praveen Palaniswamy


    Experience in machine learning and data science. Working with machine learning strategies in manufacturing.

    Thomas Lundholm

    Thomas Lundholm

    Technical advisor

    Former senior research fellow at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Production Engineering, Stockholm.

    IT Team

    IT Team

    Software development

    Team of 15 programmers in India, working with UI, analytics, web, and Android.